I saw this on Facebook and had to share. It was so damn funny to me I had to share with yawl! Turn on your closed caption for real!

Just Play Wit It!
I saw this on Facebook and had to share. It was so damn funny to me I had to share with yawl! Turn on your closed caption for real!
Here’s another one Family!
Discovering Deaf Worlds 4th Annual Fundraising Gala!
Discovering Deaf Worlds DDW is dedicated to creating a world that recognizes the abilities of deaf and hard of hearing persons in developing countries to acquire an education, maintain a job, raise families, and live autonomously. DDW provides organizational management training to Deaf advocacy organizations in developing countries. All projects aim to improve standards of Deaf education, communication accessibility, employment opportunities and human rights.
So come on out and support the wonderful things they do and enjoy an evening of hors d’oeuves and one Free cocktail on them!
It seems like in this day and time so many people lack common sense and common courtesy!
Communication is key with everyone! Knowing what is happening in the community and in the world is a must! When they crop out the Sign Language Interpreter from a broadcast it prevents effective communication and impacts the safety of our community members that are Deaf and Hard of Hearing! These are our mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, aunts and uncles, wives and husbands, friends and neighbors and then some!
So join me along with the ILRC whose mission is to empower Independence for all people with disability and to create pathways for access by logging on to www.theilrc.org and sign the petition! and donate just $3.00 to help the petition to reach more people and support our Deaf communities.
Put yourself in someones else’s shoes wouldn’t you want to be informed of what was happening in the world in your community if you were Deaf?
Hey family,
I just wanted to share this video I came across earlier this week. If I have not already told you I love music, and dancing! I love to see people enjoying themselves and i especially love to see the seniors making it do what it do!
This video you are about to view made me say who grandmother is this! I even had to cover my mouth cause at one point I was shocked!
Check it out and tell me what you think about grandma!